Monday 11 April 2016

Game of thrones season 6

               Season six is coming

Great news for #got lovers. Season six is coming on 24th April.


Beyond the wall, Bran Stark has been training with the Three-Eyed Raven, having last appeared in the season four finale episode "Te Children". According to an interview conducted with Isaac Hemstead Wright about Bran's plot line in season six, the training largely expands his previous ability to see into the past and future, and allow him more control to piece things together. He also discovers his role in the wars to come.

In King's Landing, Jaime Lannister has returned to Cersei Lannister with the body of their daughter Myrcella, and the two must work together to overcome the rising influence of the Faith Militant and the High Sparrow.

In Meereen, Tyrion Lannister, accompanied by Varys, Grey Worm, and Missandei, will strive to keep order and manage the city using "Westeros-style politics" to prevent it from falling into chaos following the departure of Daenerys.

At Winterfell, Ramsay Bolton and his forces are in pursuit of Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy, following their escape at the end of the last season.
